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irregular.cpp 24.16 KiB
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
   Steve Plimpton,

   Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
   DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
   certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
   the GNU General Public License.

   See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "irregular.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "atom_vec.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "memory.h"

using namespace LAMMPS_NS;

// allocate space for static class variable
// prototype for non-class function

int *Irregular::proc_recv_copy;
int compare_standalone(const void *, const void *);


#define BUFFACTOR 1.5
#define BUFMIN 1000
#define BUFEXTRA 1000

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

Irregular::Irregular(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pointers(lmp)

  triclinic = domain->triclinic;
  map_style = atom->map_style;

  // migrate work vectors

  maxlocal = 0;
  mproclist = NULL;
  msizes = NULL;

  // send buffers

  maxdbuf = 0;
  dbuf = NULL;
  maxbuf = 0;
  buf = NULL;

  // universal work vectors


  // initialize buffers for migrate atoms, not used for datum comm
  // these can persist for multiple irregular operations

  maxsend = BUFMIN;
  maxrecv = BUFMIN;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   communicate atoms to new owning procs via irregular communication
   can be used in place of comm->exchange()
   unlike exchange(), allows atoms to have moved arbitrarily long distances
   sets up irregular plan, invokes it, destroys it
   sortflag = flag for sorting order of received messages by proc ID
   preassign = 1 if already know procs that atoms are assigned to via RCB
   procassign = list of proc assignments for each owned atom
   atoms MUST be remapped to be inside simulation box before this is called
   for triclinic: atoms must be in lamda coords (0-1) before this is called
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void Irregular::migrate_atoms(int sortflag, int preassign, int *procassign)
  // clear global->local map since atoms move to new procs
  // clear old ghosts so map_set() at end will operate only on local atoms
  // exchange() doesn't need to clear ghosts b/c borders()
  //   is called right after and it clears ghosts and calls map_set()

  if (map_style) atom->map_clear();
  atom->nghost = 0;

  // subbox bounds for orthogonal or triclinic box

  double *sublo,*subhi;
  if (triclinic == 0) {
    sublo = domain->sublo;
    subhi = domain->subhi;
  } else {
    sublo = domain->sublo_lamda;
    subhi = domain->subhi_lamda;

  // if Comm will be called to assign new atom coords to procs,
  // may need to setup RCB info

  if (!preassign) comm->coord2proc_setup();

  // loop over atoms, flag any that are not in my sub-box
  // fill buffer with atoms leaving my box, using < and >=
  // assign which proc it belongs to via Comm::coord2proc()
  // if coord2proc() returns me, due to round-off
  //   in triclinic x2lamda(), then keep atom and don't send
  // when atom is deleted, fill it in with last atom

  AtomVec *avec = atom->avec;
  double **x = atom->x;
  int nlocal = atom->nlocal;

  if (nlocal > maxlocal) {
    maxlocal = nlocal;

  int igx,igy,igz;
  int nsend = 0;
  int nsendatom = 0;
  int i = 0;

  if (preassign) {
    while (i < nlocal) {
      if (procassign[i] == me) i++;
      else {
        mproclist[nsendatom] = procassign[i];
        if (nsend > maxsend) grow_send(nsend,1);
        msizes[nsendatom] = avec->pack_exchange(i,&buf_send[nsend]);
        nsend += msizes[nsendatom];
        procassign[i] = procassign[nlocal-1];

  } else {
    while (i < nlocal) {
      if (x[i][0] < sublo[0] || x[i][0] >= subhi[0] ||
          x[i][1] < sublo[1] || x[i][1] >= subhi[1] ||
          x[i][2] < sublo[2] || x[i][2] >= subhi[2]) {
        mproclist[nsendatom] = comm->coord2proc(x[i],igx,igy,igz);
        if (mproclist[nsendatom] == me) i++;
        else {
          if (nsend > maxsend) grow_send(nsend,1);
          msizes[nsendatom] = avec->pack_exchange(i,&buf_send[nsend]);
          nsend += msizes[nsendatom];
      } else i++;

  atom->nlocal = nlocal;

  // create irregular communication plan, perform comm, destroy plan
  // returned nrecv = size of buffer needed for incoming atoms

  int nrecv = create_atom(nsendatom,msizes,mproclist,sortflag);
  if (nrecv > maxrecv) grow_recv(nrecv);

  // add received atoms to my list

  int m = 0;
  while (m < nrecv) m += avec->unpack_exchange(&buf_recv[m]);

  // reset global->local map

  if (map_style) atom->map_set();

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   check if any atoms need to migrate further than one proc away in any dim
   if not, caller can decide to use comm->exchange() instead
   should not be called for layout = TILED
   atoms must be remapped to be inside simulation box before this is called
   for triclinic: atoms must be in lamda coords (0-1) before this is called
   return 1 if migrate required, 0 if not
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

int Irregular::migrate_check()
  // migrate required if comm layout is tiled
  // cannot use myloc[] logic below

  if (comm->layout == LAYOUT_TILED) return 1;

  // subbox bounds for orthogonal or triclinic box

  double *sublo,*subhi;
  if (triclinic == 0) {
    sublo = domain->sublo;
    subhi = domain->subhi;
  } else {
    sublo = domain->sublo_lamda;
    subhi = domain->subhi_lamda;

  // loop over atoms, check for any that are not in my sub-box
  // assign which proc it belongs to via Comm::coord2proc()
  // if logical igx,igy,igz of newproc > one away from myloc, set flag = 1
  // this check needs to observe PBC
  // cannot check via comm->procneigh since it ignores PBC

  double **x = atom->x;
  int nlocal = atom->nlocal;

  int *periodicity = domain->periodicity;
  int *myloc = comm->myloc;
  int *procgrid = comm->procgrid;
  int igx,igy,igz,glo,ghi;

  int flag = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
    if (x[i][0] < sublo[0] || x[i][0] >= subhi[0] ||
        x[i][1] < sublo[1] || x[i][1] >= subhi[1] ||
        x[i][2] < sublo[2] || x[i][2] >= subhi[2]) {

      glo = myloc[0] - 1;
      ghi = myloc[0] + 1;
      if (periodicity[0]) {
        if (glo < 0) glo = procgrid[0] - 1;
        if (ghi >= procgrid[0]) ghi = 0;
      if (igx != myloc[0] && igx != glo && igx != ghi) flag = 1;

      glo = myloc[1] - 1;
      ghi = myloc[1] + 1;
      if (periodicity[1]) {
        if (glo < 0) glo = procgrid[1] - 1;
        if (ghi >= procgrid[1]) ghi = 0;
      if (igy != myloc[1] && igy != glo && igy != ghi) flag = 1;

      glo = myloc[2] - 1;
      ghi = myloc[2] + 1;
      if (periodicity[2]) {
        if (glo < 0) glo = procgrid[2] - 1;
        if (ghi >= procgrid[2]) ghi = 0;
      if (igz != myloc[2] && igz != glo && igz != ghi) flag = 1;

  int flagall;
  return flagall;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   create a communication plan for atoms
   n = # of atoms to send
   sizes = # of doubles for each atom
   proclist = proc to send each atom to (not including self)
   sortflag = flag for sorting order of received messages by proc ID
   return total # of doubles I will recv (not including self)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

int Irregular::create_atom(int n, int *sizes, int *proclist, int sortflag)
  int i;

  // setup for collective comm
  // work1 = 1 for procs I send a message to, not including self

  for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
    work1[i] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) work1[proclist[i]] = 1;
  work1[me] = 0;

  // nrecv_proc = # of procs I receive messages from, not including self
  // options for performing ReduceScatter operation
  // some are more efficient on some machines at big sizes

  nrecv_proc = work1[me];
  nrecv_proc = work2[me];

  // allocate receive arrays

  proc_recv = new int[nrecv_proc];
  length_recv = new int[nrecv_proc];
  request = new MPI_Request[nrecv_proc];
  status = new MPI_Status[nrecv_proc];

  // nsend_proc = # of messages I send

  for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) work1[i] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) work1[proclist[i]] += sizes[i];

  nsend_proc = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
    if (work1[i]) nsend_proc++;

  // allocate send arrays

  proc_send = new int[nsend_proc];
  length_send = new int[nsend_proc];
  num_send = new int[nsend_proc];
  index_send = new int[n];
  offset_send = new int[n];

  // list still stores size of message for procs I send to
  // proc_send = procs I send to
  // length_send = # of doubles I send to each proc
  // to balance pattern of send messages:
  //   each proc begins with iproc > me, continues until iproc = me
  // reset list to store which send message each proc corresponds to

  int iproc = me;
  int isend = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
    if (iproc == nprocs) iproc = 0;
    if (work1[iproc] > 0) {
      proc_send[isend] = iproc;
      length_send[isend] = work1[iproc];
      work1[iproc] = isend;

  // num_send = # of atoms I send to each proc

  for (i = 0; i < nsend_proc; i++) num_send[i] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    isend = work1[proclist[i]];

  // work2 = offsets into index_send for each proc I send to
  // index_send = list of which atoms to send to each proc
  //   1st N1 values are atom indices for 1st proc,
  //   next N2 values are atom indices for 2nd proc, etc
  // offset_send = where each atom starts in send buffer

  work2[0] = 0;
  for (i = 1; i < nsend_proc; i++) work2[i] = work2[i-1] + num_send[i-1];

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    isend = work1[proclist[i]];
    index_send[work2[isend]++] = i;
    if (i) offset_send[i] = offset_send[i-1] + sizes[i-1];
    else offset_send[i] = 0;

  // tell receivers how much data I send
  // sendmax_proc = # of doubles I send in largest single message

  sendmax_proc = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < nsend_proc; i++) {
    MPI_Request tmpReq; // Use non-blocking send to avoid possible deadlock
    MPI_Request_free(&tmpReq); // the MPI_Barrier below marks completion
    sendmax_proc = MAX(sendmax_proc,length_send[i]);

  // receive incoming messages
  // proc_recv = procs I recv from
  // length_recv = # of doubles each proc sends me
  // nrecvsize = total size of atom data I recv

  int nrecvsize = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < nrecv_proc; i++) {
    proc_recv[i] = status->MPI_SOURCE;
    nrecvsize += length_recv[i];

  // sort proc_recv and length_recv by proc ID if requested
  // useful for debugging to insure reproducible ordering of received atoms
  // invoke by adding final arg = 1 to create_atom() call in migrate_atoms()

  if (sortflag) {
    int *order = new int[nrecv_proc];
    int *proc_recv_ordered = new int[nrecv_proc];
    int *length_recv_ordered = new int[nrecv_proc];

    for (i = 0; i < nrecv_proc; i++) order[i] = i;
    proc_recv_copy = proc_recv;

    int j;
    for (i = 0; i < nrecv_proc; i++) {
      j = order[i];
      proc_recv_ordered[i] = proc_recv[j];
      length_recv_ordered[i] = length_recv[j];

    delete [] order;
    delete [] proc_recv_ordered;
    delete [] length_recv_ordered;

  // barrier to insure all MPI_ANY_SOURCE messages are received
  // else another proc could proceed to exchange_atom() and send to me


  // return size of atom data I will receive

  return nrecvsize;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   comparison function invoked by qsort()
   accesses static class member proc_recv_copy, set before call to qsort()
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

int compare_standalone(const void *iptr, const void *jptr)
  int i = *((int *) iptr);
  int j = *((int *) jptr);
  int *proc_recv = Irregular::proc_recv_copy;
  if (proc_recv[i] < proc_recv[j]) return -1;
  if (proc_recv[i] > proc_recv[j]) return 1;
  return 0;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   communicate atoms via PlanAtom
   sendbuf = list of atoms to send
   sizes = # of doubles for each atom
   recvbuf = received atoms
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void Irregular::exchange_atom(double *sendbuf, int *sizes, double *recvbuf)
  int i,m,n,offset,count;

  // post all receives

  offset = 0;
  for (int irecv = 0; irecv < nrecv_proc; irecv++) {
    offset += length_recv[irecv];

  // reallocate buf for largest send if necessary

  if (sendmax_proc > maxdbuf) {
    maxdbuf = sendmax_proc;

  // send each message
  // pack buf with list of atoms
  // m = index of atom in sendbuf

  n = 0;
  for (int isend = 0; isend < nsend_proc; isend++) {
    offset = 0;
    count = num_send[isend];
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      m = index_send[n++];
      offset += sizes[m];

  // wait on all incoming messages

  if (nrecv_proc) MPI_Waitall(nrecv_proc,request,status);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   destroy vectors in communication plan for atoms
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void Irregular::destroy_atom()
  delete [] proc_send;
  delete [] length_send;
  delete [] num_send;
  delete [] index_send;
  delete [] offset_send;
  delete [] proc_recv;
  delete [] length_recv;
  delete [] request;
  delete [] status;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   create communication plan based on list of datums of uniform size
   n = # of datums to send
   proclist = proc to send each datum to, can include self
   sortflag = flag for sorting order of received messages by proc ID
   return total # of datums I will recv, including any to self
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

int Irregular::create_data(int n, int *proclist, int sortflag)
  int i,m;

  // setup for collective comm
  // work1 = 1 for procs I send a message to, not including self

  for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
    work1[i] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) work1[proclist[i]] = 1;
  work1[me] = 0;

  // nrecv_proc = # of procs I receive messages from, not including self
  // options for performing ReduceScatter operation
  // some are more efficient on some machines at big sizes

  nrecv_proc = work1[me];
  nrecv_proc = work2[me];

  // allocate receive arrays

  proc_recv = new int[nrecv_proc];
  num_recv = new int[nrecv_proc];
  request = new MPI_Request[nrecv_proc];
  status = new MPI_Status[nrecv_proc];

  // work1 = # of datums I send to each proc, including self
  // nsend_proc = # of procs I send messages to, not including self

  for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) work1[i] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) work1[proclist[i]]++;

  nsend_proc = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
    if (work1[i]) nsend_proc++;
  if (work1[me]) nsend_proc--;

  // allocate send and self arrays

  proc_send = new int[nsend_proc];
  num_send = new int[nsend_proc];
  index_send = new int[n-work1[me]];
  index_self = new int[work1[me]];

  // proc_send = procs I send to
  // num_send = # of datums I send to each proc
  // num_self = # of datums I copy to self
  // to balance pattern of send messages:
  //   each proc begins with iproc > me, continues until iproc = me
  // reset work1 to store which send message each proc corresponds to

  int iproc = me;
  int isend = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
    if (iproc == nprocs) iproc = 0;
    if (iproc == me) {
      num_self = work1[iproc];
      work1[iproc] = 0;
    } else if (work1[iproc] > 0) {
      proc_send[isend] = iproc;
      num_send[isend] = work1[iproc];
      work1[iproc] = isend;

  // work2 = offsets into index_send for each proc I send to
  // m = ptr into index_self
  // index_send = list of which datums to send to each proc
  //   1st N1 values are datum indices for 1st proc,
  //   next N2 values are datum indices for 2nd proc, etc
  // index_self = list of which datums to copy to self

  work2[0] = 0;
  for (i = 1; i < nsend_proc; i++) work2[i] = work2[i-1] + num_send[i-1];

  m = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    iproc = proclist[i];
    if (iproc == me) index_self[m++] = i;
    else {
      isend = work1[iproc];
      index_send[work2[isend]++] = i;

  // tell receivers how much data I send
  // sendmax_proc = largest # of datums I send in a single message

  sendmax_proc = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < nsend_proc; i++) {
    MPI_Request tmpReq; // Use non-blocking send to avoid possible deadlock
    MPI_Request_free(&tmpReq); // the MPI_Barrier below marks completion
    sendmax_proc = MAX(sendmax_proc,num_send[i]);

  // receive incoming messages
  // proc_recv = procs I recv from
  // num_recv = total size of message each proc sends me
  // nrecvdatum = total size of data I recv

  int nrecvdatum = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < nrecv_proc; i++) {
    proc_recv[i] = status->MPI_SOURCE;
    nrecvdatum += num_recv[i];
  nrecvdatum += num_self;

  // sort proc_recv and num_recv by proc ID if requested
  // useful for debugging to insure reproducible ordering of received datums

  if (sortflag) {
    int *order = new int[nrecv_proc];
    int *proc_recv_ordered = new int[nrecv_proc];
    int *num_recv_ordered = new int[nrecv_proc];

    for (i = 0; i < nrecv_proc; i++) order[i] = i;
    proc_recv_copy = proc_recv;

    int j;
    for (i = 0; i < nrecv_proc; i++) {
      j = order[i];
      proc_recv_ordered[i] = proc_recv[j];
      num_recv_ordered[i] = num_recv[j];

    delete [] order;
    delete [] proc_recv_ordered;
    delete [] num_recv_ordered;

  // barrier to insure all MPI_ANY_SOURCE messages are received
  // else another proc could proceed to exchange_data() and send to me


  // return # of datums I will receive

  return nrecvdatum;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   communicate datums via PlanData
   sendbuf = list of datums to send
   nbytes = size of each datum
   recvbuf = received datums (including copied from me)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void Irregular::exchange_data(char *sendbuf, int nbytes, char *recvbuf)
  int i,m,n,offset,count;

  // post all receives, starting after self copies

  offset = num_self*nbytes;
  for (int irecv = 0; irecv < nrecv_proc; irecv++) {
    offset += num_recv[irecv]*nbytes;

  // reallocate buf for largest send if necessary

  if (sendmax_proc*nbytes > maxbuf) {
    maxbuf = sendmax_proc*nbytes;

  // send each message
  // pack buf with list of datums
  // m = index of datum in sendbuf

  n = 0;
  for (int isend = 0; isend < nsend_proc; isend++) {
    count = num_send[isend];
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      m = index_send[n++];

  // copy datums to self, put at beginning of recvbuf

  for (i = 0; i < num_self; i++) {
    m = index_self[i];

  // wait on all incoming messages

  if (nrecv_proc) MPI_Waitall(nrecv_proc,request,status);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   destroy vectors in communication plan for datums
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void Irregular::destroy_data()
  delete [] proc_send;
  delete [] num_send;
  delete [] index_send;
  delete [] proc_recv;
  delete [] num_recv;
  delete [] index_self;
  delete [] request;
  delete [] status;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   realloc the size of the send buffer as needed with BUFFACTOR & BUFEXTRA
   if flag = 1, realloc
   if flag = 0, don't need to realloc with copy, just free/malloc
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void Irregular::grow_send(int n, int flag)
  maxsend = static_cast<int> (BUFFACTOR * n);
  if (flag)
  else {

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   free/malloc the size of the recv buffer as needed with BUFFACTOR
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void Irregular::grow_recv(int n)
  maxrecv = static_cast<int> (BUFFACTOR * n);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   return # of bytes of allocated memory
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

bigint Irregular::memory_usage()
  bigint bytes = 0;
  bytes += maxsend*sizeof(double);   // buf_send
  bytes += maxrecv*sizeof(double);   // buf_recv
  bytes += maxdbuf*sizeof(double);   // dbuf
  bytes += maxbuf;                   // buf
  bytes += 2*maxlocal*sizeof(int);   // mproclist,msizes
  bytes += 2*nprocs*sizeof(int);     // work1,work2
  return bytes;