@@ -20,14 +20,15 @@ ID, group-ID are documented in "fix"_fix.html command. Group-ID is ignored. :ulb
@@ -20,14 +20,15 @@ ID, group-ID are documented in "fix"_fix.html command. Group-ID is ignored. :ulb
bond/react = style name of this fix command :l
bond/react = style name of this fix command :l
zero or more common keyword/value pairs may be appended directly after 'bond/react' :l
zero or more common keyword/value pairs may be appended directly after 'bond/react' :l
these apply to all reaction specifications (below) :l
these apply to all reaction specifications (below) :l
common_keyword = {stabilization}
common_keyword = {stabilization} :l
{stabilization} values = group-ID xmax
{stabilization} values = {no} or {yes} {group-ID} {xmax}
group-ID = user-assigned ID of an internally-created dynamic group that excludes reacting atoms, and can be used by a subsequent time integration fix such as nvt, npt, or nve (cannot be 'all')
{no} = no reaction site stabilization
{xmax} value = distance
{yes} = perform reaction site stabilization
distance = xmax value that is used by an internally created "nve/limit"_fix_nve_limit.html integrator
{group-ID} = user-assigned ID of an internally-created dynamic group that excludes reacting atoms, and can be used by a subsequent time integration fix such as nvt, npt, or nve (cannot be 'all')
react = mandatory argument indicating new reaction specification
{xmax} = xmax value that is used by an internally created "nve/limit"_fix_nve_limit.html integrator :pre
react-ID = user-assigned name for the reaction
react = mandatory argument indicating new reaction specification :l
react-group-ID = only atoms in this group are available for the reaction
react-ID = user-assigned name for the reaction :l
react-group-ID = only atoms in this group are available for the reaction :l
Nevery = attempt reaction every this many steps :l
Nevery = attempt reaction every this many steps :l
Rmin = bonding pair atoms must be separated by more than Rmin to initiate reaction (distance units) :l
Rmin = bonding pair atoms must be separated by more than Rmin to initiate reaction (distance units) :l
Rmax = bonding pair atoms must be separated by less than Rmax to initiate reaction (distance units) :l
Rmax = bonding pair atoms must be separated by less than Rmax to initiate reaction (distance units) :l