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Commit 0e2c9b1d authored by Ben Brown's avatar Ben Brown
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Makefile 0 → 100644
DISTFILES=beamerthemeUsherNew.sty beamernotes.sty Makefile README.txt README *.tex *.pdf *.svgz
all: pdf
ps: $(NAME).ps %.dvi
dvips $(DVIPSOPT) $< -o $@
pdf: $(SAMPLES) $(DEP)
%.pdf: %.tex
pdflatex $<
dist: $(DISTFILES)
rm -rf $(DISTDIR)
mkdir $(DISTDIR)
cp -aL --parents $(DISTFILES) $(DISTDIR)
tar cfvz $(ARCHIVE_NAME).tgz $(DISTDIR)
rm -rf $(DISTDIR)
distzip: $(DISTFILES)
rm -rf $(DISTDIR)
mkdir $(DISTDIR)
cp -aL --parents $(DISTFILES) $(DISTDIR)
zip -r $(ARCHIVE_NAME).zip $(DISTDIR)
rm -rf $(DISTDIR)
rm -f $(NAME).{glo,log,toc,lot,lof,idx,ilg,ind,aux,blg,bbl,dvi}
rm -f *~
## New Usher Institute theme for LaTeX/beamer presentations.
### Usage:
Extract the contents of this archive to a directory in your $TEXINPUTS
In your beamer source file, state `\usetheme{UsherNew}` in the
preamble. There are three different colour scheme variations:
- `\usetheme[colour=USHERorange]{UsherNew}`: the default colour scheme,
- `\usetheme[colour=USHERgreen]{UsherNew}` and
- `\usetheme[colour=USHERblue]{UsherNew}`
### Basic example:
%% this is the default orange theme; options USHERgreen and USHERblue
%% are also available
\title[Short Title]{A Long and verbose title}
\subtitle{and a sub-title}
\author{Dr Benway}
\institute{The Mental Institute}
\date{Feb 1935}
\begin{frame}{Words of Advice for Young People}
People often ask me if I have any words of
\alert{advice} for young people... \\[2ex] \pause
\item<1-> \alert{Never} interfere in a \alert{boy-and-girl} fight
\item<2-> Any \alert{old soul} is worth saving\\
\uncover<3->{at \alert{least to} a priest},
\item<4-> But \alert{not} every soul is \alert{worth buying}.
\item<5-> ...
\item<2-> What \alert{are} we doing here?
\item<4-> What?
\item<2-> Answers:
\item<3-> We are here \alert{to go}.
See also `sample.tex` for a basic presentation.
### Notes
If you use [pdf-presenter-console](, a
presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files, try
`\usepackage{beamernotes}` and enter your notes as in
\bnote{my notes}
*after* the `frame` you want to annotate.
The contents will generate a filename.pdfpc file containing
all notes to be shown by pdfpc.
SL (
%% In file.tex containing a Beamer presentation, Use \bnote{} so that
%% your notes on slides get converted automatically into
%% pdf-presenter-console notes (file.pdfpc)
\gdef\slidenumberprefix{### }%
\typeout{Starting beamer notes.}
\newcommand{\bnote}[1]{\typeout{Creating note: #1}
^^J\slidenumberprefix \theBeamerNotesCounter ^^J#1}%
%% Beamer template for USHER slides,
%% See README.txt for info on how to use this file.
% 9:5 (approx), as in ppt template
\definecolor{USHERorange}{RGB}{204, 89, 17}
\definecolor{USHERgreen}{RGB}{156, 154, 0}
\definecolor{USHERblue}{RGB}{69, 126, 129}
\definecolor{USHERGray}{rgb}{.392, .329, .329}
%% choose one of the following:
\geometry{paperwidth=25.40cm, paperheight=19.05cm}
\setbeamerfont{itemize item}{family=\sffamily,size={\fontsize{16}{18}}}
\setbeamerfont{itemize subitem}{family=\sffamily,size={\fontsize{16}{18}}}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate body begin}{\fontsize{16}{19}\selectfont}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subbody begin}{\fontsize{16}{19}\selectfont}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamerfont{alerted text}{series=\bfseries}
\setbeamercolor{alerted text}{fg=\beamer@Usher@color!80!black}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=black}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}{\color{\beamer@Usher@color}$\bullet$}
\divide\barheight by 12
\setbeamertemplate{title page}
% \setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=USHERorange}
\put(-.1, 0){\crule[\beamer@Usher@color]{25.4cm}{19.05cm}}
\put(0.44, 0.1){\pgfuseimage{white-tied-in}}
\put(20, 13){\pgfuseimage{big-U}}
\put(24.2, 12.6){\rotatebox{-90}{\textcolor{white}{\Large\bf Better
health, better futures}}}
\put(23.5, 0){\crule[\beamer@Usher@color]{1.75cm}{19.05cm}}
\put(23.70, 17.3){\includegraphics[width=1.25cm,height=1.46cm]{big-U}}
\setbeamersize{text margin left=2cm,text margin right=2.5cm}
%% set top margin for each frame
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "sample"
%%% End:
big-U.pdf 0 → 100644
File added
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%% Alternative options are:
\title[Insert Title (short version of title)]{Insert Presentation Title Here}
\author{Insert authors here}
%\institute{The Mental Institute}
\date{Feb 1935}
\bnote{This generates notes for pdfpc. These notes also appear
on the handout/article versions.}
\begin{frame}[t]{Header title bold}
Main body text Sans. Here is a way to \alert{highlight text}.
\item Bullet points
\item ...
\item subitem
\item \lipsum[2]
\bnote{This is a note for the first slide. Mention how }
\begin{frame}{Inserting a figure, some maths...}
\item Here's a figure:
\caption{The Usher's big U logo}
And here's a famous equation:
i\hbar {\frac {\partial }{\partial t}}|\psi (t)\rangle ={\hat {H}}|\psi (t)\rangle
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File added
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