End-to-end processing of cell microscopy time-lapses. ALIBY automates segmentation, tracking, lineage predictions, post-processing and report production. It leverages the existing Python ecosystem and open-source scientific software available to produce seamless and standardised pipelines.
End-to-end processing of cell microscopy time-lapses. ALIBY automates segmentation, tracking, lineage predictions, post-processing and report production. It leverages the existing Python ecosystem and open-source scientific software available to produce seamless and standardised pipelines.
## Quickstart Documentation
## Quickstart Documentation
Installation of [VS Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/#microsoft-visual-c-redistributable-for-visual-studio-2022) Native MacOS support for is under work, but you can use containers (e.g., Docker, Podman) in the meantime.
We use (and recommend) [OMERO](https://www.openmicroscopy.org/omero/) to manage our microscopy database, but ALIBY can process both locally-stored experiments and remote ones hosted on a server.
For analysing local data
### Setting up a server
For testing and development, the easiest way to set up an OMERO server is by
using Docker images.
[The software carpentry](https://software-carpentry.org/) and the [Open
Microscopy Environment](https://www.openmicroscopy.org), have provided
[instructions](https://ome.github.io/training-docker/) to do this.
The `docker-compose.yml` file can be used to create an OMERO server with an
accompanying PostgreSQL database, and an OMERO web server.