#include <iostream>
#include "../CORE/config/config.h"
#include "../MODELS/dc_selector.h"
#include "descriptors_calc.h"
#include "design_matrix/functions/dm_function_base.h"
#include "models/m_tadah_base.h"
#include "nn_finder.h"
class Trainer {
Config config;
DC_Selector DCS;
DescriptorsCalc<> dc;
NNFinder nnf;
DM_Function_Base *fb;
M_Tadah_Base *model;
~Trainer() {
delete model;
delete fb;
Trainer (Config &c):
Config get_param_file() {
return model->get_param_file();
extern "C" void blacs_get_(int*, int*, int*);
extern "C" void blacs_pinfo_(int*, int*);
extern "C" void blacs_gridinit_(int*, char*, int*, int*);
extern "C" void blacs_gridinfo_(int*, int*, int*, int*, int*);
extern "C" void descinit_(int*, int*, int*, int*, int*,
int*, int*, int*, int*, int*);
extern "C" void pdpotrf_(char*, int*, double*, int*, int*, int*, int*);
extern "C" void blacs_gridexit_(int*);
extern "C" int numroc_(int*, int*, int*, int*, int*);
extern "C" void pdgels_(char* trans, int* m, int* n, int* nrhs,
double* a, int* ia, int* ja, int* desca, double* b, int* ib,
int* jb, int* descb, double* work, int* lwork, int* info);
extern "C" void pdgemr2d_(int *m, int *n, double *a, int *ia, int *ja, int *desca,
double *b, int *ib, int *jb, int *descb, int *context);
extern "C" void pdgemv_(char* transa, int* m, int* n, double* alpha, double* a,
int* ia, int* ja, int* desc_a, double* x, int* ix, int* jx, int* desc_x,
int* incx, double* beta, double* y, int* iy, int* jy, int* desc_y, int* incy);
const static int WAIT_TAG = 3;
const static int RELEASE_TAG = 2;
const static int DATA_TAG = 1;
const static int WORK_TAG = 0;
int context1, context2;
int b_row1, b_row2;
int b_col1, b_col2;
int b_nrows1, b_nrows2; // Number of row procs
int b_ncols1, b_ncols2; // Number of column procs
int rnb1, rnb2; // Row block size
int cnb1, cnb2; // Column block size
int b_rank;
int phi_rows1;
int phi_cols1;
int phi_rows2;
int phi_cols2;
int izero = 0;
int ione = 1;
char layout='R'; // Block cyclic, Row major processor mapping
size_t phi_row = 0; // next row to be filled in the local phi array
MPI_Trainer(Config &c, int &rank, int &ncpu):
int nstruct_tot = StructureDB::count(config).first;
int natoms_tot = StructureDB::count(config).second;
PHI_cols = fb->get_phi_cols(config);
PHI_rows = DesignMatrixBase::phi_rows_num(config, nstruct_tot, natoms_tot);
MPI_Bcast(&PHI_rows, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&PHI_cols, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
std::cout << "PHI_cols " << PHI_cols << std::endl;
// Initialize BLACS
// We create two contexts.
// context1 is used for the computation of phi matrices
// context2 is used for distribution of local phi to "block cyclic phi"
blacs_pinfo_(&b_rank, &ncpu) ; // BLACS rank and world size
rnb1 = ceil(PHI_rows/ncpu);
rnb2 = config.get<int>("MBLOCK"); // Row block size
cnb1 = PHI_cols;
cnb2 = config.get<int>("NBLOCK"); // Column block size
b_ncols1 = 1; // b_ncols2 = 2;
b_nrows1 = ncpu; // b_nrows2 = ncpu/b_ncols2;
// make as sqaure grid as possible
int sr = sqrt(ncpu);
if (sr*sr==ncpu) {
b_nrows2 = sr;
b_ncols2 = sr;
else {
// loop over all possible divisors
int before, /*sqrt(ncpu),*/ after;
for (int i = 1; i <= ncpu; ++i){
if (ncpu % i == 0) {
if (i>sqrt(ncpu)) {
assert(b_nrows2 * b_ncols2 == ncpu);
assert(b_nrows1 * b_ncols1 == ncpu);
// Create first context
blacs_get_(&izero,&izero, &context1 ); // -> Create context1
blacs_gridinit_(&context1, &layout, &b_nrows1, &b_ncols1 ); // context1 -> Initialize the grid
blacs_gridinfo_(&context1, &b_nrows1, &b_ncols1, &b_row1, &b_col1 );
// Create second context
blacs_get_(&izero,&izero, &context2 ); // -> Create context2
blacs_gridinit_(&context2, &layout, &b_nrows2, &b_ncols2 ); // context2 -> Initialize the grid
blacs_gridinfo_(&context2, &b_nrows2, &b_ncols2, &b_row2, &b_col2 );
// Compute the size of the local phi matrices
phi_rows1 = numroc_( &PHI_rows, &rnb1, &b_row1, &izero, &b_nrows1 );
phi_cols1 = numroc_( &PHI_cols, &cnb1, &b_col1, &izero, &b_ncols1 );
phi_rows2 = numroc_( &PHI_rows, &rnb2, &b_row2, &izero, &b_nrows2 );
phi_cols2 = numroc_( &PHI_cols, &cnb2, &b_col2, &izero, &b_ncols2 );
// Define MPI datatype to send rows from the PHI matrix with column-major order
// used only in context1
MPI_Type_vector( phi_cols1, 1, phi_rows1, MPI_DOUBLE, &rowvec);
MPI_Type_create_resized(rowvec, 0, sizeof(double), &rowvecs);
rows_available=phi_rows1; // number of available rows in the local phi array
// once we know the size of local phi, we can allocate memory to it
// including host as well. The host will collect excees computations from
// workers.
//DesignMatrix<DM_Function_Base&> dm(*fb, config);
//int lda1 = phi_rows1 > phi_cols1 ? phi_rows1 : phi_cols1;
void probe() {
worker = status.MPI_SOURCE;
tag = status.MPI_TAG;
/** This method uses ScalaPACK pdgels to obtain vector of weights.
* The model weights are updated at the end of this call.
void solve() {
if (PHI_cols>PHI_rows) {
throw std::runtime_error("MPI solver requires M > N")
// Descriptors for scalaPACK
int descPHI[9], descPHI2[9];
int descB[9], descB2[9];
int info, info2;
descinit_( descPHI, &PHI_rows, &PHI_cols, &rnb1, &cnb1, &izero,
&izero, &context1, /*leading dimension*/&phi_rows1, &info);
descinit_( descPHI2, &PHI_rows, &PHI_cols, &rnb2, &cnb2, &izero,
&izero, &context2, /*leading dimension*/&phi_rows2, &info2);
if(info != 0) {
printf("Error in descinit 1a, info = %d\n", info);
if(info2 != 0) {
printf("Error in descinit 2a, info = %d\n", info2);
printf("HINT: Check these CONFIG parameters: MPIWPCKG, MBLOCK, NBLOCK\n");
descinit_( descB, &PHI_rows, &ione, &rnb1, &cnb1, &izero,
&izero, &context1, /*leading dimension*/&phi_rows1, &info);
descinit_( descB2, &PHI_rows, &ione, &rnb2, &cnb2, &izero,
&izero, &context2, /*leading dimension*/&phi_rows2, &info2);
if(info != 0) {
printf("Error in descinit 1b, info = %d\n", info);
if(info2 != 0) {
printf("Error in descinit 2b, info = %d\n", info2);
printf("HINT: Check these CONFIG parameters: MPIWPCKG, MBLOCK, NBLOCK\n");
int nrhs = 1;
int ia = 1;
int ja = 1;
int ib = 1;
int jb = 1;
// Distribute data in 2D block cyclic
DesignMatrix<DM_Function_Base&> dm2(*fb, config);
pdgemr2d_(&PHI_rows, &PHI_cols, dm.Phi.ptr(), &ione, &ione, descPHI,
dm2.Phi.ptr(), &ione, &ione, descPHI2, &context2);
pdgemr2d_(&PHI_rows, &ione, dm.T.ptr(), &ione, &ione, descB,
dm2.T.ptr(), &ione, &ione, descB2, &context2);
double wkopt2;
int lwork2 = -1; // query -> get size of the work matrix
pdgels_(&trans, &PHI_rows, &PHI_cols, &nrhs, dm2.Phi.ptr(), &ia, &ja,
descPHI2, dm2.T.ptr(), &ib, &jb, descB2, &wkopt2, &lwork2, &info2);
if (info2 != 0) {
printf("Error in pdgels, info = %d\n", info);
lwork2 = (int)wkopt2;
double *work2 = new double[lwork2];
pdgels_(&trans, &PHI_rows, &PHI_cols, &nrhs, dm2.Phi.ptr(), &ia, &ja,
descPHI2, dm2.T.ptr(), &ib, &jb, descB2, work2, &lwork2, &info2);
pdgemr2d_(&PHI_cols, &ione, dm2.T.ptr(), &ione, &ione, descB2,
dm.T.ptr(), &ione, &ione, descB, &context1);
if (rank==0) {
t_type w(dm.T.ptr(), PHI_cols);
delete[] work2;
MPI_Trainer_HOST(Config &c, int &rank, int &ncpu):
MPI_Trainer(c, rank, ncpu)
void prep_wpckgs() {
// HOST: prepare work packages
// filename, first structure index, number of structures to read
int nstruc = config.get<int>("MPIWPCKG");
for (const std::string &fn : config("DBFILE")) {
// get number of structures
int dbsize = StructureDB::count(fn).first;
int first=0;
while(true) {
if (nstruc < dbsize) {
first += nstruc;
} else {
MPI_Recv (&rows_available, 1, MPI_INT, worker, tag,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
std::tuple<std::string,int,int> wpckg = wpckgs.back();
// send dataset filename
const char *fn = std::get<0>(wpckg).c_str();
int fn_length = std::get<0>(wpckg).length()+1; // +1 for char
MPI_Send (fn, fn_length, MPI_CHAR, worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// send index of the first structure to load
int first = std::get<1>(wpckg);
MPI_Send (&first, 1, MPI_INT, worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// send number of structures to load
int nstruc = std::get<2>(wpckg);
MPI_Send (&nstruc, 1, MPI_INT, worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv (&rows_needed, 1, MPI_INT, worker, tag,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
if (rows_available>0) {
int rows_accepted = rows_available < rows_needed ?
rows_available : rows_needed;
MPI_Send (&b_rank, 1, MPI_INT, worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Send (&rows_accepted, 1, MPI_INT, worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv (&[phi_row], rows_accepted, rowvecs,
worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Recv (&[phi_row], rows_accepted, MPI_DOUBLE,
worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Recv (&[phi_row], rows_accepted,
MPI_DOUBLE, worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
rows_available -= rows_accepted;
phi_row += rows_accepted;
if (rows_available<0 ) {
throw std::runtime_error("HOST: The number of rows in the \
local array is smaller than requested.");
else {
// host is unable to fit data we have to ask workers for their storage availability
// find a worker to accept at least some data
MPI_Status status2;
int worker2;
// find a worker capable of accepting data
int w_rows_available;
while (true) {
MPI_Recv (&w_rows_available, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE,
MPI_Trainer::WORK_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status2);
throw std::runtime_error("worker and worker2 are the same.");
int rows_accepted = w_rows_available < rows_needed ?
w_rows_available : rows_needed;
MPI_Send (&worker2, 1, MPI_INT, worker, MPI_Trainer::DATA_TAG,
MPI_Recv (&rows_available, 1, MPI_INT, worker,
MPI_Trainer::WORK_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Recv (&ready, 1, MPI_INT, worker,
MPI_Trainer::CONFIG_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Trainer_WORKER(Config &c, int &rank, int &ncpu):
MPI_Trainer(c, rank, ncpu)
MPI_Recv (&temp, 1, MPI_INT, worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
if (rows_available!=0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Attempting to release a worker... \
but the worker requires more data!!");
MPI_Recv (&temp, 1, MPI_INT, worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_DOUBLE, &arr_size);
int rows_accepted = arr_size/phi_cols1;
if (rows_available<rows_accepted) {
throw std::runtime_error("Number of rows available is smaller \
than number of provided rows");
MPI_Recv (&[phi_row], rows_available,
rowvecs, worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Recv (&[phi_row], rows_available,
MPI_DOUBLE, worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Recv (&[phi_row], rows_available,
MPI_DOUBLE, worker, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
rows_available -= rows_accepted;
phi_row += rows_accepted;
// get work package
int fn_length; // length of the filename char array
int first; // index of the first structure to read from the file
int nstruc; // number of structures to be processed
MPI_Recv (fn, fn_length, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_Trainer::WORK_TAG,
MPI_Recv (&first, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_Trainer::WORK_TAG,
MPI_Recv (&nstruc, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_Trainer::WORK_TAG,
// do work
StructureDB stdb;
// compute number of rows needed for a given StructureDB
int rows_needed = 0;
for (size_t s=0; s<stdb.size(); ++s) {
int natoms = stdb(s).natoms();
rows_needed += DesignMatrixBase::phi_rows_num(config, 1, natoms);
// we do not have enough rows in the local phi matrix
// so we create temp DM of required size
DesignMatrix<DM_Function_Base&> temp_dm(*fb, config);
// and compute all rows
size_t temp_phi_row=0;
for (size_t s=0; s<stdb.size(); ++s) {,stdb(s),st_d); // phi_row++
// first we try to fill remaining rows in the local phi matrix
// copy top of temp_dm.Phi to the bottom of dm. Phi in reverse order
if (rows_available>0) {
for (; rows_available>0; rows_available--) {
for (size_t c=0; c<dm.Phi.cols(); c++) {
dm.Phi(phi_row,c) = temp_dm.Phi(rows_available-1,c);
dm.T(phi_row) = temp_dm.T(rows_available-1);
dm.Tlabels(phi_row) = temp_dm.Tlabels(rows_available-1);
// there are no more available rows
// send remaining data to available processes
while (rows_needed > 0) {
// request host
MPI_Send (&rows_needed, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_Trainer::DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
int rows_accepted; // number of accepted rows
int dest; // receiving process
// host returns which dest can accept and how much
MPI_Recv (&dest, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_Trainer::DATA_TAG,
MPI_Recv (&rows_accepted, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_Trainer::DATA_TAG,
// we send data to the host or a willing worker
int start=temp_dm.Phi.rows()-rows_needed;
// Define temp data type for temp Phi matrix
// Phi is stored in a column-major order
MPI_Datatype trowvec, trowvecs;
MPI_Type_vector( temp_dm.Phi.cols(), 1, temp_dm.Phi.rows(),
MPI_DOUBLE, &trowvec);
MPI_Type_create_resized(trowvec, 0, 1*sizeof(double), &trowvecs);
// ready to send
MPI_Send (&[start], rows_accepted,
trowvecs, dest, MPI_Trainer::DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Send (&[start], rows_accepted,
MPI_Send (&[start], rows_accepted,
rows_needed -= rows_accepted;
else {
// just fill local phi array as it is large enough
// fill_T must be called before phi_row is incremented
dm.fill_T(stdb,phi_row); // phi_row is not incremented by this method
StDescriptors st_d = dc.calc(stdb(s));,stdb(s),st_d); // build() increments phi_row++