@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Tools developed under the OPENERA-NET ResourceCode project (EC/GA #731200).
These tools were developed to validate the [ResourceCode](https://resourcecode.ifremer.fr/) WaveWatch III hindcast data set against CMEMS InsituTAC wavebuoy archive data. The tools focus on validataion against integrated wave parameters calculated from the wave spectra (e.g. Hm0, Tp, Tm02, etc.). The underlying data format supported is netCDF4, this is the standard used to archive the majority of oceanographic data, and has been used for the hindcast archive. The tools have been modularised to allow future development, and extension to other data formats.
### Documentation
Current documentation is at [Read the Docs]().
Current documentation is at [Read the Docs](https://waveval.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
The documentation contains a workflow guide that explains the validation process as applied to the ResourceCode hindcast, a description of internal data structure formats used, descriptions of examples of use, a guide to run batch validataion jobs on the IFREMER Datarmor HPC system, amnd data access information.