Then we have:
d - \frac{(\aa r + 2\bb)\aa}{2n^2}
\geq \epsilon_q^2 \geq \epsilon_q^1 > 0
Where $\epsilon_q^1$ and $\epsilon_q^2$ are defined as follows:
\epsilon_q^1 :=
\epsilon_q^2 :=
\text{where }
&k_q^1 \text{ is the least }
k\in\ZZ_{>0}\: s.t.:\:
k \equiv -\aa\bb m \mod n
&k_q^2 \text{ is the least }
k\in\ZZ_{>0}\: s.t.:\:
k \equiv \aa\bb m (\aa\aa^{'}-2)
\mod n\gcd(2n,\aa^2 m)
It's worth noting that $\epsilon_q^2$ is potentially larger than $\epsilon_q^2$
but calculating it involves a $\gcd$, a modulo reduction, and a modulo $n$
inverse, for each $q$ considered.
Consider the following tautology:
- \frac{
(\aa r+2\bb)\aa
= \frac{ k }{ 2mn^2 }
\quad \text{for some } x \in \ZZ
\span \span \span \span \span
&\equiv k &&
\mod 2n^2
\\ &\Longleftrightarrow&
- \aa^2 m r - 2\aa\bb m
&\equiv k &&
\mod 2n^2
\\ &\Longrightarrow&
\aa^2 \aa^{'}\bb m - 2\aa\bb m
&\equiv k &&
\mod \gcd(2n^2, \aa^2 mn)
In our situation, we want to find the least $k$ satisfying
eqn \ref{eqn:finding_better_eps_problem}.
Since such a $k$ must also satisfy eqn \ref{eqn:better_eps_problem_k_mod_n},
we can pick the smallest $k_q^1 \in \ZZ_{>0}$ which satisfies this new condition
(a computation only depending on $q$ and $\beta$, but not $r$).
We are then guaranteed that the gap $\frac{k}{2mn^2}$ is at least $\epsilon_q^1$.
Furthermore, $k$ also satisfies
eqn \ref{eqn:better_eps_problem_k_mod_gcd2n2_a2mn}
so we can also pick the smallest $k_q^2 \in \ZZ_{>0}$ satisfying this condition,
which also guarantees that the gap $\frac{k}{2mn^2}$ is at least $\epsilon_q^2$.
\minorheading{Irrational $\beta$}
\egroup % end scope where beta redefined to beta_{-}
\section{Appendix - SageMath code}