\sageplot[width=\linewidth]{plot_d_bound(v_example, 0)}
\caption{$q = 0$ (all bounds other than green coincide on line)}
\sageplot[width=\linewidth]{plot_d_bound(v_example, 4)}
\caption{$q = \chern^{\beta}(F)$ (all bounds other than blue coincide on line)}
Bounds on $d:=\chern_2(E)$ in terms of $r:=\chern_0(E)$ for fixed, extreme,
values of $q:=\chern_1^{\beta}(E)$.
Where $\chern(F) = (3,2,-2)$.
Recalling that $q := \chern^{\beta}_1(E) \in [0, \chern^{\beta}_1(F)]$,
it is worth noting that the extreme values of $q$ in this range lead to the
tightest bounds on $d$, as illustrated in figure
In fact, in each case, one of the weak upper bounds coincides with one of the
weak lower bounds, (implying no possible destabilizers $E$ with
$\chern_0(E)=:r>R:=\chern_0(F)$ for these $q$-values).
This indeed happens in general since the right hand sides of
(eqn \ref{eqn:bgmlv2_d_bound_betamin}) and
(eqn \ref{eqn:positive_rad_d_bound_betamin}) match when $q=0$.
In the other case, $q=\chern^{\beta}_1(F)$, it is the right hand sides of
(eqn \ref{eqn:bgmlv3_d_bound_betamin}) and
(eqn \ref{eqn:positive_rad_d_bound_betamin}) which match.
The more generic case, when $0 < q:=\chern_1^{\beta}(E) < \chern_1^{\beta}(F)$
for the bounds on $d$ in terms of $r$ is illustrated in figure
The question of whether there are pseudo-destabilizers of arbitrarily large
rank, in the context of the graph, comes down to whether there are points
$(r,d) \in \ZZ \oplus \frac{1}{m} \ZZ$ (with large $r$)
% TODO have a proper definition for pseudo-destabilizers/walls
that fit above the yellow line (ensuring positive radius of wall) but below the
blue and green (ensuring $\Delta(E), \Delta(G) > 0$).
These lines have the same assymptote at $r \to \infty$
(eqns \ref{eqn:bgmlv2_d_bound_betamin},
As mentioned in the introduction (sec \ref{sec:intro}), the finiteness of these
solutions is entirely determined by whether $\beta$ is rational or irrational.
Some of the details around the associated numerics are explored next.
]{plot_d_bound(v_example, 2, ymax=6, ymin=-0.5, aspect_ratio=1)}
Bounds on $d:=\chern_2(E)$ in terms of $r:=\chern_0(E)$ for a fixed
value $\chern_1^{\beta}(F)/2$ of $q:=\chern_1^{\beta}(E)$.
Where $\chern(F) = (3,2,-2)$.
\subsection{Bounds on Semistabilizer Rank \texorpdfstring{$r$}{r}}
Now, the inequalities from the above (TODO REF) will be used to find, for
each given $q=\chern^{\beta}_1(E)$, how large $r$ needs to be in order to leave
no possible solutions for $d$. At that point, there are no Chern characters
$(r,c,d)$ that satisfy all inequalities to give a pseudowall.
\subsubsection{All Semistabilizers Left of Vertical Wall for Rational Beta min}
The strategy here is similar to what was shown in (sect \ref{sec:twisted-chern}),
% ref to Schmidt?
var("a_v b_q n") # Define symbols introduce for values of beta and q
beta_value_expr = (beta == a_v/n)
q_value_expr = (q == b_q/n)
Suppose $\beta = \frac{\aa}{n}$ for some coprime $n \in \NN,\aa \in \ZZ$.
Then fix a value of $q$:
\frac{1}{n} \ZZ
\cap [0, \chern_1^{\beta}(F)]
as noted at the beginning of this section (\ref{sec:refinement}).
Substituting the current values of $q$ and $\beta$ into the condition for the
radius of the pseudo-wall being positive
(eqn \ref{eqn:positive_rad_d_bound_betamin}) we get:
var("nu", domain="real") # placeholder for the specific values of 1/epsilon
assymptote_gap_condition1 = (1/nu < bgmlv2_d_upperbound_exp_term)
assymptote_gap_condition2 = (1/nu < bgmlv3_d_upperbound_exp_term_alt2)
assert r_upper_bound1.lhs() == r
r_upper_bound2 = (
assert r_upper_bound2.lhs() == r
\begin{theorem}[Bound on $r$ \#1]
Let $v = (R,C,D)$ be a fixed Chern character. Then the ranks of the
pseudo-semistabilizers for $v$ with
$\chern_1^\beta = q$
are bounded above by the following expression.
\sage{r_upper_bound1.rhs()}, \:\:
Taking the maximum of this expression over
$q \in [0, \chern_1^{\beta}(F)]\cap \frac{1}{n}\ZZ$
would give an upper bound for the ranks of pseudo-semistabilizers for $v$.
Both $d$ and the lower bound in
(eqn \ref{eqn:positive_rad_condition_in_terms_of_q_beta})
are elements of $\frac{1}{\lcm(m,2n^2)}\ZZ$.
So, if any of the two upper bounds on $d$ come to within
$\frac{1}{\lcm(m,2n^2)}$ of this lower bound, then there are no solutions for
Hence any corresponding $r$ cannot be a rank of a
pseudo-semistabilizer for $v$.
To avoid this, we must have,
considering equations
# Tightness conditions:
bounds_too_tight_condition1 = (
< epsilon
bounds_too_tight_condition2 = (
< epsilon
\geq \epsilon := \frac{1}{\lcm(m,2n^2)}
This is equivalent to:
r \leq
\egroup % end scope where epsilon redefined
var("Delta", domain="real")
q_sol = solve(r_upper_bound1.rhs() == r_upper_bound2.rhs(), q)[0].rhs()
r_upper_bound_all_q = (
.subs(psi**2 == Delta)
.subs(1/psi**2 == 1/Delta)
Luke Naylor
\begin{corrolary}[Bound on $r$ \#2]
Luke Naylor
Let $v$ be a fixed Chern character and
$R:=\chern_0(v) \leq \frac{1}{2}\lcm(m,2n^2)\Delta(v)$.
Then the ranks of the pseudo-semistabilizers for $v$
are bounded above by the following expression.
Luke Naylor
%% TODO simplified expression for rmax by predicting which q gives rmax
%% refinements using specific values of q and beta
This bound can be refined a bit more by considering restrictions from the
possible values that $r$ take.
Furthermore, the proof of theorem \ref{thm:rmax_with_uniform_eps} uses the fact
that, given an element of $\frac{1}{2n^2}\ZZ$, the closest non-equal element of
$\frac{1}{m}\ZZ$ is at least $\frac{1}{\lcm(m,2n^2)}$ away. However this a
conservative estimate, and a larger gap can sometimes be guaranteed if we know
this value of $\frac{1}{2n^2}\ZZ$ explicitly.
The expressions that will follow will be a bit more complicated and have more
parts which depend on the values of $q$ and $\beta$, even their numerators
$\aa,\bb$ specifically. The upcoming theorem (TODO ref) is less useful as a
`clean' formula for a bound on the ranks of the pseudo-semistabilizers, but has a
purpose in the context of writing a computer program to find
pseudo-semistabilizers. Such a program would iterate through possible values of
$q$, then iterate through values of $r$ within the bounds (dependent on $q$),
which would then determine $c$, and then find the corresponding possible values
for $d$.
Firstly, we only need to consider $r$-values for which $c:=\chern_1(E)$ is
c =
\in \ZZ
That is, $r \equiv -\aa^{-1}\bb$ mod $n$ ($\aa$ is coprime to
$n$, and so invertible mod $n$).
Let $\aa^{'}$ be an integer representative of $\aa^{-1}$ in $\ZZ/n\ZZ$.
Next, we seek to find a larger $\epsilon$ to use in place of $\epsilon_F$ in the
proof of theorem \ref{thm:rmax_with_uniform_eps}:
Finding better alternatives to $\epsilon_F$:
Suppose $d \in \frac{1}{m}\ZZ$ satisfies the condition in
eqn \ref{eqn:positive_rad_condition_in_terms_of_q_beta}.
That is:
Then we have:
d - \frac{(\aa r + 2\bb)\aa}{2n^2}
Where $\epsilon_{q,1}$ and $\epsilon_{q,2}$ are defined as follows:
\text{where }
&k_{q,1} \text{ is the least }
k\in\ZZ_{>0}\: s.t.:\:
k \equiv -\aa\bb m \mod n
&k_{q,2} \text{ is the least }
k\in\ZZ_{>0}\: s.t.:\:
k \equiv \aa\bb m (\aa\aa^{'}-2)
\mod n\gcd(2n,\aa^2 m)
It is worth noting that $\epsilon_{q,2}$ is potentially larger than
but calculating it involves a $\gcd$, a modulo reduction, and a modulo $n$
inverse, for each $q$ considered.
- \frac{
(\aa r+2\bb)\aa
= \frac{ k }{ 2mn^2 }
\quad \text{for some } x \in \ZZ
\span \span \span \span \span
&\equiv k &&
\mod 2n^2
\\ &\Longleftrightarrow&
- \aa^2 m r - 2\aa\bb m
&\equiv k &&
\mod 2n^2
\\ &\Longrightarrow&
\aa^2 \aa^{'}\bb m - 2\aa\bb m
&\equiv k &&
\mod \gcd(2n^2, \aa^2 mn)
In our situation, we want to find the least $k$ satisfying
eqn \ref{eqn:finding_better_eps_problem}.
Since such a $k$ must also satisfy eqn \ref{eqn:better_eps_problem_k_mod_n},
we can pick the smallest $k_{q,1} \in \ZZ_{>0}$ which satisfies this new condition
(a computation only depending on $q$ and $\beta$, but not $r$).
We are then guaranteed that the gap $\frac{k}{2mn^2}$ is at least
Furthermore, $k$ also satisfies
eqn \ref{eqn:better_eps_problem_k_mod_gcd2n2_a2mn}
so we can also pick the smallest $k_{q,2} \in \ZZ_{>0}$ satisfying this condition,
which also guarantees that the gap $\frac{k}{2mn^2}$ is at least $\epsilon_{q,2}$.
\begin{theorem}[Bound on $r$ \#3]
Let $v$ be a fixed Chern character, with $\frac{a_F}{n}=\beta:=\beta(v)$
rational and expressed in lowest terms.
Then the ranks $r$ of the pseudo-semistabilizers $u$ for $v$ with
$\chern_1^\beta(u) = q = \frac{b_q}{n}$
are bounded above by the following expression (with $i=1$ or $2$).
var("delta", domain="real") # placeholder symbol to be replaced by k_{q,i}
eps_k_i_subs = nu == (2*m*n^2)/delta
\sage{r_upper_bound1.rhs().subs(eps_k_i_subs)}, \:\:
Where $k_{q,i}$ is defined as in definition/lemma \ref{lemdfn:epsilon_q},
and $R = \chern_0(v)$
Furthermore, if $\aa \not= 0$ then
$r \equiv \aa^{-1}b_q (\mod n)$.
\minorheading{Irrational $\beta$}
\egroup % end scope where beta redefined to beta_{-}
\subsubsection{All Semistabilizers Giving Sufficiently Large Circular Walls Left
of Vertical Wall}
\item refresher on strategy
\item point out no need for rational beta
\item calculate intersection of bounds?
\subsection{Irrational $\beta_{-}$}
\item Point out if only looking for sufficiently large wall, look at above
\item Relate to Pell's equation through coordinate change?
\item Relate to numerical condition described by Yanagida/Yoshioka
\section{Appendix - SageMath code}